On the Issues

As your neighbor in Columbus District 7, I'd like to share my positions on some key issues.


public safety

I think we all agree public safety is a top priorty. We need to feel safe in our neighborhoods. We should be confident and secure in the knowledge the Columbus government is working on our behalf to create and sustain safe communities.  I support the men and women who serve our community, and I believe we must ensure our tax dollars are being used to resource law enforcement agencies.

Certainly, we need to actively recruit and retain good law enforcement officers and demand criminals be held accountable, but we also need to do the things proven to deter criminal activity.

We need more than just street lights throughout District 7. We need to ensure businesses and vacant properties, private and public, do not become attractive targets for vandalism or gang activity. And we need to demand equality in resources for the schools in our district.

Small Business

city leadership

As a small business owner, I know District 7 drives the Columbus economy. Having navigated the challenges necessary to open and operate a business here, I recognize the rules and regulations can be intimidating for those new to the process. I’m committed to refining the procedures that make business ownership prohibitive, so we can remove the barriers to economic prosperity that divide our community.

We need to actively support all of our small businesses through groups like SCORE Columbus who do great work in their mentorship and other resource programs. StartUP Columbus is another such group providing resources and support which I believe is worthy of Council support. I'm also thinking of Sbdc (Small Business Development Center) Columbus, and there are several others that I don't have the space to mention here.

All of them are worthy of our continued support in order to secure a vital and prosperous future for the entire city.


move city

Where do we want to be as a city in the next five, ten, or even twenty years? As a mid-sized to larger sized city Columbus has a lot to offer. We have a strategic and beautiful location along the Chattahoochee River and in proximity to Fort Benning. We have an increasingly vibrant Uptown area blessed to have a University and now also a Medical school along with some great larger businesses. There is a Historic District which is the envy of many cities with improvements and restorations taking place all the time. Hotels and restaurants abound.

At the same time, there are other parts of the city that also need our care and attention. I've spoken about safety issues, but there are also other infrastructure problems. I believe that City Council needs to take a leadership role in supporting community leaders and needs to be reaching out to the various religious, service, and community development agencies.

We need to be working tirelessly to promote the city to larger businesses who are looking to establish a presence in the region, while at the same time never forgetting that the heart of every city is made of of small businesses and entrepreneurs. We need to offer them things like mentorship programs and incentives to stay here and grow the city.

Leadership that Listens


Ours is a strong, diverse community, and we have these things in common. Together, we will create a safer, more prosperous future for our families. We will do this effectively when we harness the power of local government to work for us, to reduce unemployment with fair paying jobs to eliminate poverty and create a more equitable economy.

I believe that the key to being successful as a Council and as a city, we need to be in constant communication with those who elect us. Listening to the people is vital. While it is tempting to simply farm things out to "experts" and consultants and then vote on their recommendations, I do not believe that leads to any kind of ownership among the public. We need to offer people opportunities to speak and to be heard. And then we have an obligation to listen and to act.

I look forward to serving you.

Joanne Cogle